Thursday, May 31, 2012

RAGE can destroy you, it must be controlled and released in a manner that does not conform to evil. RAGE can be a superhero in disquise, or it can be a Demon with intent to destory, the choice is within. I am RAGE and I am here, I shall protect you from yourcorrupt thoughts of anger.


I cannot see clearly, my thoughts mingle with rage,
My heart pounds like a drum, I am at a lethal stage.
Do not tempt my anger, for its fire is at its height,
And to control the want to feed, I must truly fight.

My body bulges with the energy wanting release,
I pray that soon I can have some inner peace.
But life has driven me to react with brutal force,
I have been set on a very destructive course.

Do not lay waste to what you have become,
Do not forget the life, from which you are from,
I shall pay the price of all, I shall devour the sins
I shall conquer the evil and make all the amends.

Ahhh the Rage within, the fury of my soul,
The need to mend all is out of my control.
My heart has been crushed by the loveless lot,
But I have come up with a revengeful plot.

Rage excites the strength in my blood,
And my hate pours out like a rivers flood.
Drowning those that corrupt our fears,
Leaving only the dried out tears.

My rage descends to the lower depths of hell,
It will wait there for the next crier’s tale.
I am at peace now; my heart is at rest,
I have conquered the evil and have past Gods test.

REB (MAY 2012) I felt the rage within me, but control is the key
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