Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I sit here and look out upon the changes of time
I see what is, and soon what will be not.
I cannot express the sorrow for what I see coming,
I just sit here and watch as it slowly becomes.

Minds melt in to the oblivious, gone for a time
I do not know why, for I am not in the know
... There is no reason for this curious action
But all actions create questions in life.

I do not understand the words I write,
I am being forced by an unknown hand.
A warning they say to all that want to survive,
And these words are a threat to our very core of life.

Mind your manners, and lower your head to the Lord,
Do not think that any will be overlooked
Do not misunderstand the intentions of what you do not see,
Our world will bow down to the power of not.

Comprehension is not an option, for we have lost all reasoning,
Control has been released and we are slaves of what is. (Or what is not)
There is no pain in the release of what was,
But there may be pain in what will be.

I do not know what is not, for it is has never been known to exist,
But the power that pulls our minds cannot be denied
Succumb to the ridicule of the world’s demise
And you shall be spared, so that you can be one with nothing.

REB (MAY 2012) Because my hand was forced  (artist of photo unknown)

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