Thursday, May 31, 2012

RAGE can destroy you, it must be controlled and released in a manner that does not conform to evil. RAGE can be a superhero in disquise, or it can be a Demon with intent to destory, the choice is within. I am RAGE and I am here, I shall protect you from yourcorrupt thoughts of anger.


I cannot see clearly, my thoughts mingle with rage,
My heart pounds like a drum, I am at a lethal stage.
Do not tempt my anger, for its fire is at its height,
And to control the want to feed, I must truly fight.

My body bulges with the energy wanting release,
I pray that soon I can have some inner peace.
But life has driven me to react with brutal force,
I have been set on a very destructive course.

Do not lay waste to what you have become,
Do not forget the life, from which you are from,
I shall pay the price of all, I shall devour the sins
I shall conquer the evil and make all the amends.

Ahhh the Rage within, the fury of my soul,
The need to mend all is out of my control.
My heart has been crushed by the loveless lot,
But I have come up with a revengeful plot.

Rage excites the strength in my blood,
And my hate pours out like a rivers flood.
Drowning those that corrupt our fears,
Leaving only the dried out tears.

My rage descends to the lower depths of hell,
It will wait there for the next crier’s tale.
I am at peace now; my heart is at rest,
I have conquered the evil and have past Gods test.

REB (MAY 2012) I felt the rage within me, but control is the key
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SUPRISE ME - I was talking to a friend today and I thought she needed something to cheer her up and put a smile on her face, I thought a poem would do her well, when i asked her what subject i should write about for her she said "Suprise Me", so Wonder Woman here you go, know that you are a wonder of the world and you are appreciated by the masses.

Life is full of wonders, but I only want one,
I want to be happy and be smiling under the shining sun.
There are so many wonders that could truly set me free
But I only need that one that will let me truly, be me.
Step up and choose, surprise me with your choice,
Let me experience the wonder, let me have a voice.
Reach up and grab a wonder, pull it from the sky,
Pick any of the glorious gifts and love they won’t deny.

I have had doubts of my beauty, but I have been told I am a queen,
I have been told that I am the wonder myself, elegant and pristine.
So that wonder that I am wishing for is not for my own use,
It’s more for the world at large, a wonder I shall set loose.

So pick any glorious wonder, I will mold it to fit my needs,
And the world will see its future from all their wondrous deeds.
The wonders of the world can accomplish all, but I only need the one.
The one that shows the world, how life is truly fun.
REB (MAY 2012) Because Marie is a Wonder


My Friend is a Princess, she really is. She has all the attributes and makings of a true Queen. She loves her dreams, and i wish they would come true for her, she deserves them. to you Princess...

The Dreams of a Princess

Starry night with the Moon Bright and full
The air so clean, with a wind brisk and cool.
Happiness fills the heart, and warmth flows,
And a secret is hidden, but where? No one knows.
The Princess dreams of the castle in the clouds,
Far away from all the cities and all the crowds.
She dreams of love and life filled with world peace,
And a place where all her passions, she can fully release.

Aww, the dreams of a Princess, the sweetness of it all,
Floating in the vastness of foreverness, no chance of a fall.
The seduction of a fairytale world, lush and full of love,
With angels over looking all, from far far above.

Dream Princess Dream, for you deserve a kind life,
May you dream of a Prince and of being his wife.
May you dream of a land high up in the clouds so high,
And may you live a life of love, may you never more cry.

REB (MAY 2012) because I know a princess that dreams.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Did you ever wonder who maintained the lights in the sky, I found the answer in Mary P.

I adore the moonlight, as it shines down on me,
And stars that surround the night, free, oh, so free.
Although the nights can be chilled by the night air,
The moonlight warms my soul and shines off my hair.
I remember once when the Moon was not so bright,
It was not giving off that warm and soothing light.
The surface of the moon looked dull and unclean
I just could not feel the peacefulness without its gleam.

So I went and found a ladder, and I positioned it just so,
I climbed that ladder to the top and got up on my tippy toes
I reached up and touched the moon, and the light began to glow
And at that moment when I touched the moon, I felt the loving flow.

So much love is in the night, and so much passion is in the moon,
My heart was overwhelmed and my feelings began to swoon.
I lay outside in the night so that I can see the beauty of it all,
Knowing that the light of the moon is my true mating call.

And that is why I care for it, and that I ensure that it shines bright,
For it lights the path of my dear prince, as he travels in the night.
Oh moon so bright, know that you are the guide for my Love,
Stay ever so bright to guide his way, you are his compass from above.

REB (MAY 2012) For Mary P.

What is it that amazes you?
Is it the magic that is in the air?
Who is it that you’re thinking of?
Is it the one for who you care?

I create my own views of life,
... Mystical and full of love.
I imagine what I want to see,
And it all appears from above.

But tell me what are you thinking of,
Do you see your true desires?
Do they appear as do mine,
Dancing on the evening fires?

I wonder as I look at you
Do you see what I do see?
Are you dancing with me tonight?
Feeling love and feeling free.

REB (MAY 2012) I was just thinking, that’s ok isn’t it?

One word, I only need one word for my faith in love to be renewed,
I have had trials and tribulations in the art of caring, I want to be daring.
I want to hear that one word that will melt my heart, and warm my soul
...Life is too short to hold off on love that is true, and waiting is taking its toll.

And then a letter arrived under my door,


Such beauty I have never seen, like an angel in a heavenly dream,
At first glance my eyes caught yours; your green eyes did gleam.
I was mesmerized by the warmth I felt, as you slowly passed me by,
Our hands brushed ever so gently, and a passionate tear came to my eye.

I looked back at you as walked on by; you were dressed in seductive red,
I was hoping you understood my thoughts, with nothing being said.
For I was wishing you to turn around so that I could see your beautiful face,
And by a miracle you turned and smiled and my heart beat picked up pace.

I know that you don’t know me, but I am wishing that you did
Because what we could have together, could slide right off the grid.
When I think of your raw beauty, my body tingles with delight,
I know that if you gave me a chance, you would know that I was right.

DEVOTION to loving you is the word that comes to mind
DEVOTION of my heart to you is what I will do in kind.
All I ask is for one small chance to show you how we can love,
And you will see the DEVOTION that I have, for you and God above.

Thank you for reading my letter, I hope you will understand
I am not some crazy stalker; I am just a simple loving man.
If you decide not to meet with me I will take it all to heart,
All though I must tell you truthfully, I will completely fall apart.

\\\Always an Admirer

Now the letter was not signed, but I do remember passing a very handsome man
I remember feeling a passionate chill, and the touching of his hand
I remember looking back and smiling at him, and my heart began to flutter,
I remember that so Cleary, thinking that this man could me know other.

So now how do go about finding him, will he send me another letter,
The answer came almost immediately and it was way so much better,
Two doves flew in through an open window, carrying a small square box,
And as they dropped it the floor out came a silver fox.

What had fallen to the floor was a charm, attached to a silver necklace
And also there was a tiny note that said meet me in my palace.
The letter, that I had just read, was from the prince of the Castle
And now my world was all mixed up and my heart was beginning to unravel

A Beautiful Prince in the castle above, had sent me a loving letter,
A letter that turned my soul and my passion to red hot chilli pepper.
DEVOTION was the key, that was the one word I was looking for,
And this young prince came knocking and placed it at my door.

I will not tell you the rest, for the future can always bend
But I will tell you it was just the beginning and love stories never end
I am happy with my loving Prince; I think that I will always be
For he has set my love afire and DEVOTION is his decree.

REB (MAY 2012)


I have been blinded by the beauty of this world,
The lavish lands of paradise surround my soul.
I lay down on the plush green grass, a bed of happiness
And I fall into a dream that awakens my inner self.
I have come upon the scenery only seen in dreams,
And I take it all in so that I can cherish it in days to come.
I know that it will not last, for it is too serene and unreal.
The beauty shall slowly evaporate as reality reappears.

Why can we not live our life’s in the dreams within?
Why can we not choose the realm of our existence?
I do not want to leave these beautiful surroundings,
This world, this dream, this paradise, is my sanctuary.

Yes, I am blinded by the beauty of this world,
Yet I see more Cleary than I have ever seen before,
Peace has become me and I am one with myself
Whether dream or reality I choose to stay.

Gather your thoughts and journey with me,
Place the blindfold over your eyes and dream anew.
You shall see the beauty, which I so dearly speak of,
And you too will want what is rightfully yours.

REB (MAY 2012) because it is there, you just have to close your eyes and picture it

I sit here and look out upon the changes of time
I see what is, and soon what will be not.
I cannot express the sorrow for what I see coming,
I just sit here and watch as it slowly becomes.

Minds melt in to the oblivious, gone for a time
I do not know why, for I am not in the know
... There is no reason for this curious action
But all actions create questions in life.

I do not understand the words I write,
I am being forced by an unknown hand.
A warning they say to all that want to survive,
And these words are a threat to our very core of life.

Mind your manners, and lower your head to the Lord,
Do not think that any will be overlooked
Do not misunderstand the intentions of what you do not see,
Our world will bow down to the power of not.

Comprehension is not an option, for we have lost all reasoning,
Control has been released and we are slaves of what is. (Or what is not)
There is no pain in the release of what was,
But there may be pain in what will be.

I do not know what is not, for it is has never been known to exist,
But the power that pulls our minds cannot be denied
Succumb to the ridicule of the world’s demise
And you shall be spared, so that you can be one with nothing.

REB (MAY 2012) Because my hand was forced  (artist of photo unknown)

Introduction - Be Kind

I am not a writer, but i do write. My spelling and grammar would drive an English major crazy. but to me its not about the writing looking nice and being perfect, its about the content and the meaning behind it all. If i were to say " i Fill you in my heart" would you not know i was meaning "I feel you in my heart"? be kind to me for i am not perfect and i will never be. i write because i love it, because i feel it, and I want you to feel it too.

I am sure you will enjoy all you read, you will feel emotions of Love, lonelinees, fear, sadness, and happiness. you will understand how life is not always good, but how you can overcome all and become great in who you are. Life can suck sometimes, but we are all strong in our own ways, read and enjoy.
